DANTE - 2012



Section: Software


Participant : Thomas Begin [correspondant] .

Queueing models, steady-state solution, online tool, web interface

This tool aims at providing a simple web based interface to promote the use of our proposed solutions to numerically solve classical queueing systems. In 2011, the tools merely implemented the solution to get the distribution for the number of customers along with customary performance parameters for a queue with multiple servers, general arrivals, exponential services and a possibly finite buffer, (i.e., Ph/M/c/N-like queue). The steady-state solution to this queue is based on a simple and stable recurrence [2] and was performed in collaboration with Pr. Brandwajn (UCSC). In 2012 we extended our tool so as to include the solution for a queue with a single server, Poisson arrivals, general services and a possibly finite buffer, (i.e., M/Ph/1/N-like queue). Our tool was presented at the conference [43] and attracts hundreds of visitors each month. Associated URL is: http://queueing-systems.ens-lyon.fr